Affiliate Disclosure

FTC Disclosure Compliance Rules

The Federal Trade Commission released their new rules in 2015 for Disclosure Compliance that were set to make sure that the readers of web media are aware if any blogger is sponsored, endorsed, or partnered with any company.

With these rules, the reader understands if the publisher is earning through their content or by sharing a link.

In agreement with FTC Disclosure Compliance rules, kindly note that all the links present at are affiliate links through which I receive little compensation on the selling of products.

What Are Affiliate Links?

Affiliate links are placed on a website and are supposed to redirect the user to the original website when the user has to buy any product. This makes the user purchase the item from the original website.

Amazon pays some compensation or a small commission when a user purchases a product through their Affiliate links. The prices of the products remain the same whether it’s an affiliate link or not. There are no extra hidden charges for commission on buying the products.

The two main affiliate links that uses are:

Amazon Affiliate Links

Partnership with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program provides an opportunity to earn through Amazon affiliate links since it is an affiliate advertising program. It is the same for any website that is affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program.

Product Affiliate Links

Upon buying any product after clicking on the product affiliate link, a percentage of the sale, or commission, will be sent to

What about sponsored content?

All of my content is authentic and I make the content is unbiased. I do not write sponsored posts; however, I may accept sponsored content on and will publish this statement at the beginning of the post if that may be the case.

I try my content to be generic, so all the products that I mention should relate to every type of person. My main focus is to post about products that may suit different individuals and may serve them in the best way possible. Your purchase makes me appreciate my efforts and adds in more hope. Thank you so much! Truly appreciated.

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